Sunday, September 1, 2013

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

This weekend I made a split personality pumpkin pie--sweet and salty, GF and vegan. I took advantage of local autumn produce and used a fresh pumpkin to make. The only thing missing was whipped cream, but you can add it to yours...

Sweet and Salty Pumpkin Pie (original recipe from here)

to begin
* cut a small pumpkin in half, de-seed and fill halves with water
* place in oven for 45 minutes at 200C or until soft
* remove and cool

while pumpkin bakes...
* food process 2+ cups of nuts/seeds until clumpy but not nut butter 
--> (I used a handful of mixed nuts, roasted pumpkin seeds from this pumpkin, coconut and flax)
* whisk together and add 1/4 c. honey or rice syrup + tbsp melted coconut oil to food processor
* add 1 C. GF oats (or you could probably use more nuts/seeds or some GF flour) +  1/2 tsp salt + 2 tbsp sugar
* process until doughy, press into pie pan, prick bottom of crust with fork a few times
* bake 10 minutes and let cool 
note: my crust was sticking to the pie tin when I served the pie so you could oil the tin first and maybe don't press the crust so firmly against the tin

while the crust bakes...
* mix 3 tbsp cornstarch + 1/4 maple syrup or honey
* drain water off pumpkin halves
* puree enough of pumpkin w/skin on to make 2 & 1/4 c. puree
* mix puree, cornstarch + sweetener, 1/2 c. more sugar if want (but I think it was too sweet this way), 1/4 non-dairy milk, 2 tsp vanilla extract, 2 tsp cinnamon, 1/2 tsp ground ginger, 1/2 tsp nutmeg, pinch of ground cloves
* pour filling on top of crust, cover with foil and bake 50-55 minutes, let cool, then refrigerate for 3 hours (important for filling to "gel")

note: my filling didn't "gel" properly. I think because I used pumpkin and not "pumpkin-pie filling" from a can so it was more watery. If you use fresh pumpkin, then I suggest more cornstarch OR better yet, if you're not vegan or don't have roommates who won't eat eggs, USE EGGS!

roasted pumpkin seeds
* rinse off pumpkin goo, coat seeds in coconut oil, salt and add spices you like. This time I added paprika and curry. Bake along-side pie

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