Thursday, June 28, 2012

Rant from a citizen

Citizen’s Rant


Nobody has snow and Thanksgiving day is going to be 70 degrees. Snow is falling at higher elevations but soon even that will stop. People are left wondering where the snow is at. The snow? You want to know where the snow is? It’s gone and in our lifetime it is not coming back. Not coming back??! No. My generation’s kids won’t even know what snow is. And you, every citizen of this over consuming country, are not paying attention to this. You are still buying your useless crap that is so cheap because we exploit the resources and people of poorer countries. So how does that make you feel on this Thanksgiving? You know what I am doing this week? I am helping my mother organize her house. Organize the overwhelming amount of things that she has accumulated. The things that make her feel good about herself because the TV tells her, from the words of Annie Leonard, “she sucks”. And this is not just my mom that has these things, it is your mom too, your entire family, you. And you want more?! You want things for Christmas?! You want to make corporations richer? You want to rape the earth of her precious life? These corporations wouldn’t be so rich that the 1% would need to occupy wall street if you stopped shopping, if you took care of the things you did buy, if you demanded companies make things that weren’t supposed to break so quickly. For the love of god stop fucking shopping!
And speaking of god, he is not up in the sky protecting dead humans in heaven and he most certainly is not protecting you here on earth. I’m sorry, as much as I believe in unfair social problems that exist, you have to take responsibility for yourself. Take control of your life! You wonder why you are sick all the time? Why you are tired all the time? Let me tell you why: Our Earth is full of toxins. My generation and the next and likely the next are going to have to deal with a toxic, sick earth. And not only is the earth sick and toxic but so is your body. This is why we have weird food allergies, cancer, diabetes, infertility, and birth defects. It is already difficult to eat well in this country. There are not organic fresh foods everywhere we go with the exception of a few cities. You think it is normal to heat, because you are not cooking, food from cans and boxes? This is not cooking and this is not nutrition. You are poisoning yourself, giving yourself diseases. My mother is in pain all the time; fibromyalgia, migraines, fatigue, stomach aches, indigestions. She had a stroke in one eye and now she needs a biopsy from an abnormal mammogram. She is sick from stress, bad eating habits and an unhealthy lifestyle. Things are out of control for her and for many in this country. We are too busy, consume more than we can afford, work more than we should, and for what?
So this holiday season, I encourage you to truly relax, take good care of yourself, eat quality foods cooked from scratch, look at the stress in your life and take control of it to make positive changes. We can all remember to be empathic and full of gratitude this time of year too. One last thing, think about how you can really, don’t just say it, really make the earth and yourself healthier and better.

And check out this link:
60 Small ways to improve your life in 100 Days

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