Thursday, April 18, 2013

Farm Log

I barely have time to write here anymore but since I'm at a farm this summer and my friend is begging me to write a cookbook, I thought I could at least post some of the things we're cooking from the farm produce. I can have a tendency to spend too long in the kitchen but here's what I've learned about farm life: 

* After 7 + hours of working, food must be quick
* Simple
* Mostly vegetarian/vegan
* Creativity is a must to avoid repetition
* detailed recipes are not really my thing so it has to be an intuitive cooking process's what we made yesterday: 

Muesli for breakfast (always or porridge)

Lunch is always smørrebrød which is open face Danish sandwiches on their rugbød (rye bread). More on smørrebrød later. 


root vegetable pancake
* shred root veggies (over-wintered from farm)
* slice onions and mix (over-wintered from farm)
* heat oil in a pan
* add veggies to hot oiled pan and pat down
* don't touch for 20 minutes
* use a big flat surface and flip pancake onto it (think Spanish tortilla)and turn pancake onto uncooked side
* leave for another 15 minutes
* sprinkle with salt (I've also topped with Crème fraîche, yogurt, etc and chopped green onions) 

salad of the day
* chopped jerusalem artichoke 
(over-wintered, in ground from farm)
* chopped kohlrabi 
* chopped apple (over-wintered from farm)
* chopped red pepper
* chopped greens (first greenhouse greens-eg, feldsalat)
* tossed with lemon juice

Served with a fried egg and buckwheat

Today I also made: 

carrot and apple cakebread
* Mix 1 cup flour (may need more depending on how moist you like     bread), baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, salt
* Add 2 eggs, 1/2 c. oil, 1/2 c. sugar (more if you like)
* Mix 1 cup shredded apple + 1.5 cup shredded carrot
* raisins, nuts, coconut if you like
* Bake 350F/175C for an hourish

apple porridge
* slice a bunch of apples and put in a pot + hot water + cinnamon and cook for an hourish

Farm tasks today:
* feed teenager cows and sheeps
* chop and stack wood
* dig up over-wintered leeks + some hard to get roots I don't know the name of
* week the strawberry patch
* harvest salad mix + early onions (green) in the greenhouse
* feed cows, sheep, ducks, chickens, harvest eggs

* 3 lambs were born today (a 4th one died during birth)

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