Monday, August 26, 2013

Pizza in the mornin', pizza in the evenin', when it's pizza on potato, you can eat pizza anytime

I woke up this morning...with this song in my head and the video is winning for sure. 

Though I haven't completely eliminated gluten or grains, they don't have much of a presence in my diet so there is always a search toward more GF options. We had a bunch of potatoes from local gardens so I thought I'd see if a potato crust pizza worked out. I paired the pizza with some sweet corn ears and a vegan caesar salad. Check the recipes below for this late summer harvest meal!

potato crust pizza (flammkuchen style)

* boil potatoes until soft but not falling apart, drain and cool
* once cooled, shred potatoes 
* mix shreds with some grated hard cheese like romano or parm if you're not vegan, otherwise skip it
* line baking sheet with baking paper then press mix into crust like shape
* bake crust at 450F/225C for 20-25 minutes
* let cool a bit before topping

* spread crème fraîche on crust
* top with sliced leeks and sun dried tomatoes (or bacon if you're a meat eater)
* pop that sucker in the oven at same temp for another 10-20 minutes

vegan caesar salad

* mix tahini, fresh grated garlic, dijon mustard, a couple spoons nutritional yeast, a bit of water, salt 
* toss into lettuce of choice (I used napa cabbage or what they call China cabbage in the European neck 'o' the woods), also seasonal 
* can top with croutons or crostinis and grated parm if you're not vegan

here's a harvest calendar to get an idea of what's seasonal for late summer!

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