Friday, April 26, 2013

Don't have to live like a refugee...

But you can live like a vagabond! You probably guessed the Ohrwurm of the day is Tom Petty's Refugee--he's looking ultra young in that denim jacket of his from 1980. For the next three weeks I'm on an epic couch-surfing journey while I take a class in SoGerm (southern Germany) or Swabia. This presents an excellent eating challenge, healthy, easy, often-portable and I'll find out the rest along the way.  Recipes? Here we go!

train breakfast 

banana + my last packet of Justin's hazelnut butter
note:  Benihana spoon (shhh)

Real Breakfast from my gracious hosts

porridge + thawed frozen cherries

* egg + spinach + other greens + cooked buckwheat scrambled and in a saute pan
* let cook on medium heat for 15 or so minutes
* flip OR I like to make it in a cast iron and pop it in the oven for the last 10 minutes
* top with goat cheese deliciousness

Mother Russian pastry 
* substituted with volkorn dinkelmehl  (whole grain spelt) and less sugar than usual. 
Someday I'll acquire these recipes!

(remember, think couch surfer)
* spelt bread made by the Russian Mother + butter
* apple

* salty popcorn 
* apple
* kombucha

* It's summer in Stuttgart=shorts + tanks!! Woohoo!

* The other part to my challenge is that I'm traveling with my bike and saddle bags so there was a lot of hilly saddle time today (1.5 hours at least). Also, I arrived into Stuttgart at 1pm with an hour bike ride to my class that started at 2pm so planning food was a bit tricky. It can only get better from here!

*Stuttgart Animated Film Festival--watched The Pirates which was of course dubbed in German but still funny (I think). 

* My German is actually improving!

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