Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday farm day

Fridays on the farm are spent preparing new goods to supply the farm's vegetable boutique for the week. Allan serves about 25 regular families each week all year (more on how he supplies year-round later) in addition to some randoms and catering parties here or there. Somehow the weather is always cold on Thursdays and Fridays which is perfect because we spend time in the greenhouse and barn preparing. 

Food today: 

* oat at porridge topped with applesauce + oat milk + some dried rosehip powder (good for the joints) + flaxseed meal + pumpkin seed oil. 


quick salad
* feldsalat + carrot + apple (<--from the farm) + cucumber + lemon juice

* smørrebrod

Dinner (Rasmus--the other intern and I made it)

Lamb heart 
* onion + chopped heart + carrots + beet root + leeks + nettles (all from the farm)
* red wine + apple cider vinegar + EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
* salt and herbs
* cook on low heat for at least an hour

Carrot-Potato-Leek Au Gratin
* slice carrots and potatoes 1/8in (less than half cm) thick and line casserole dish and toss with EVOO 
* toast bread or use panko or breadcrumbs for topping
* chop garlic and leeks (over-wintered from farm)and sautee
* as 1/3C broth (or in my case salt + balsamic + water)after leeks are very soft
* create alternating layers of carrot/potatoes + leeks mixture
* top with shredded cheese if you like ( I used blue cheese and some ultra smelly Danish style cheese)
* bake at 450F (210ish C) for 30ish minutes

Roasted Parsnips
* bake along side gratin with a bit of water in pan
* top with honey-mustard dressing 

Quick salad--same as the lunch salad

Admittedly dinner took longer to prepare than I would have liked. The goal is to keep it quick and simple and I think these dishes could actually take less time in the future.

* feed animals
* stare at lambs for awhile
* sort potatoes + leeks + other roots + search for non-carrot fly infested carrots to put in the boutique
* an accidental long nap followed by staring at the lambs again
* tidy up barn
* feed cows in the field potatoes
* feed the other animals
* pick some dandelion greens for the mama sheep that isn't feeling well after birth

* Cool couple who helped organize a Ugandan farmers network stopped by to announce a visit from Ugandans in June!
* A butterfly collector places some homes in the barn for them to hatch eggs in. Allan is part of a butterfly collectors group

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