Saturday, April 27, 2013

You know where you are?

You're in the jungle baby! Ohrwurm of the morning: Welcome to the Jungle, mostly because the coffee shop by the bus stop is called The Jungle. But seriously, who doesn't have 5 minutes to watch Axl Rose wail?! This song reminds me of sitting on the beach in Los Angeles with Robin and Ryan, a couple friendos who live in the LA jungle, I'd like to give a shout out to them!  Oh the pacific ocean and sun, how I miss thee. Remember how yesterday I said summer was here? Well, the gods of nature, or better yet, climate change, has taken it right out from under our feet again here in SoGerm. Rain is conducive to studying though, so I'll give it of my hosts here is in school for nutrition and natural medicine which means I get extra special, healthy food treatment and knowledge the next days.

green smoothie--foraged dandelions + apples + pineapple +  other fruit and greens all vitamixed up

* note about dandelions--They are growing like weeds (oh wait, they are weeds) everywhere right now so forage away. But remember how I said they detoxify? This means they also take toxins out of the ground so pay attention to where you take them from. And remember, you can eat the greens, flowers and root. Also, not only are they high in nutrients and detoxify, but the bitter flavor actually helps curb cravings for sweets, so if you're trying to kick the habit, incorporate bitter foods (and no, alcoholic bitters, as delicious as they are, don't count).

Mother Russian spelt bread + avocado + balsamic vinegar

* banana
* 2 carrots
* 2 apples
* peanut butter--I found a monster jar at the natual foods store for 5euro (I think I heard the Star Wars theme song when I saw it)

Afternoon Delight
* muesli + soy milk

Late Snack

Hold Me Closer Tiny Lentils 
* French green lentils + red onion + garlic + potatoes + ACV (apple cider vinegar)
* simply mix and simmer until soft

Julia's raw crackers
* after you make almond milk, strain and use the pulp for these crackers
* mix with flax seeds + garlic + spices
* roll into little balls and flatten until very thin
* dehydrate in dehyrdrator OR oven on low heat with door propped open for many hours. Maybe if it was warm outside you could also solar dehydrate them.

note: Dehydrating keeps the crackers raw which is supposed to maintain the food's natural enzymes and avoid destruction of vitamins which raw foodists believe happens during cooking. On the other hand, there are some foods which become easier to digest or have nutrients which become available through cooking so it's worth researching if you want to explore raw foods.

other note: you can make these types of crackers using pulp from juicing, seed/nut milk-making or probably other vegetable remains or purees without too much water content

                                   on my campus, you can just see the schloss (palace)

* beautiful 5 mile walk to campus (someday I promise I'll think in km, but today is not that day folks)
* successfully argued my not-so wunderbar grade to a slightly better grade!
* study study study

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