Sunday, May 5, 2013

Cinco de Mayo! Aye Ayeeeee!

Cinco de Mayo has become a major celebration in the United States to honor Mexican[-American] heritage. This day in 1862 is the day the Mexican's defeated the French army which was much larger and stronger. It also signifies the last time a European country invaded the Americas. Nearly 11% of the population in the US has some form of Mexican decent, so it's no wonder how a rich tradition of song, dance, food and passion would create a day with such colorful festivities! As an American of Mexican decent, my culture's traditions hold particular weight in my memories, especially in the kitchen. Mariachi music, conjures up childhood memories and a group was unarguably present at my college graduation, can be heard in the video above. And if you're really inspired by the culture, take a look at Baile Folklorico, traditional Mexican dance! Happy Cinco de Mayo and enjoy!

Note: The grocery stores are closed on Sundays in Stuttgart and it can be difficult to find all necessary ingredients, especially spicy ones, so the recipes below are a bit make-shift. 

veggie tacos!

* mix whole spelt flour + dash salt + tsp-ish baking powder + tablespoon-ish oil + warm water as needed
* let dough rest
* divide and roll into balls
* flatten first with hand, then rolling pin(pretty thin)
* place in hot dry skillet and once bubbled up, flip

* chopped tomato + peppers + onion + wild garlic + lemon juice (normally lime) + cilantro + salt
* can make it more or less spicy depending on peppers
* can add black beans or corn if desired

note: I normally make a variety of salsas and over time, I'll post those recipes. 

filling-can really be whatever you like with whatever toppings you like such as cheese, meet, sour cream, salsas, pickled  jalapeƱo and carrots, sliced radish, avocado or guacamole, etc. 

* sliced and sauteed onions + zucchini
* add chili powder + cumin + salt 
* fill up a speltilla and top with goodies!

Pictures to come later! 

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