Saturday, May 11, 2013

Make it Funky!

A little hop to your step for Saturday. Since I talked about soul train yesterday, thought you'd like this little gem of a video I found a few months back when I googled, "learn how to dance to funk." The result of my query was none other that the king of funk, Mr. James Brown demonstrating all his funky-ass moves. You'll want to watch this!
Meanwhile my friends and I enjoyed a Schwaben Brezel (read the story of how it came to be) with butter, a boiled egg and a green smoothie.
Over breakfast, we were talking about resource-based economies and breaking down our egos. Just in the right moment, Bob Marley's Could You Be Loved came on the radio--perfect timing! So for your enjoyment:


Indian style lentil soup + coconut milk
* add red lentils + garlic + coriander + turmeric + cayenne + salt + pepper + coconut milk to a pot
* boil 40 minutes, puree if needed, top with cilantro and serve

pepto-bismol pink spread

* wash and peel radish and red beets
* food process toasted sunflower seeds, radish, red beets, apple cider vinegar, salt, pepper, pinch of sugar and oil
* serve on toast or bread


wild crafted greens + tahini dressing + cucumber + hemp seeds
* these foraged greens (which a special company sells to restaurants in the area) have up to 30 different kinds of plant varieties.

mean green raw "cheese" sauce + spelt noodles
* cook spelt noodles and drain
* for sauce--food process/vitamix--parsley + cashews + nutritional yeast + garlic + a little water + spices

note: the nutritional yeast has a cheese-like flavor in addition to vitamins and minerals. You can read about it here.

                          Hemp Seeds
It's sort of fitting to talk about hemp with Bob Marley on the music roster today. However...the seeds are another super food housing easily digestible protein, all essential amino acids and omegas, fatty acids and it's an immune booster. Plus the plant can be used for fuel and fibers--put that in your pipe and smoke it! You can read more about hemp seeds here. 

ps, here's some photos from the Westword of a couple friends and me getting funky at a soul night complete with chicken and waffles!

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