Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Quantum Physics and Bagging Babes

I have that Human League song, Don't You Want Me, in my head. Just click the link to watch since youtube in Germany won't let me imbed this one. Maybe because last night some friends and I were talking about the human instinct to desire a leader, or an alpha and how if you're not a leader, it can make it hard to snag a babe. Is it instinctual? Is it similar to obesity, where we just have a glitch in the brain and indulge in something bad for us and we have to learn to overcome this instinct? The conversation let us to discuss how you have control over your thoughts, actions and therefore your happiness. The movie What the Bleep do We Know connects quantum physics to these notions of steering your thoughts. I don't know about the validity of science behind this or if it's widely accepted, but it's interesting nonetheless. 

This weekend I stayed with a couple who, like me, is pretty health-centric. The woman actually reversed her rheumatoid arthritis by juicing and eating raw for three years. For raw food she ate only fruit and salads. This would get pretty hard after three years and even though she eats cooked food now, I wanted to show her that raw food can be so much more than salads. Since I'm learning how to make some cool raw recipes, I thought I'd show her how easy it is. Although, she also only eats according to her blood group so it was a bit tricky to work around but we made it work. 

zucchini pasta with tomato sauce (recipe adapted from back to nature food blog)

* in a food processor I mixed 2 cloves garlic + 3 tomatoes +  tomato paste (should use soaked sun-dried tomatoes) + herbs + spices + salt + EVOO
* thinly slice ( of spiralize if you have one) zucchini
* slice cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, bell peppers 
* mix everything together and voila!

note: you are supposed to add 1 TBSP raw almond butter (you could probably grind nuts and add them instead but we didn't do this because of the blood group issue). Adding nut butter would make it a creamy tomato sauce and probably less need for EVOO

Gallina's friatata 
* scrambled eggs + a bit of buck wheat flour to thicken
* mix in sliced zucchini + cucumber 
(who knew you could cook cucumber?!)
* pour in pan and cook on low heat, flip, finish cooking

note: I would have pimped the fritata up a bit with spices, nettles, some EVOO, tamari and maybe even a little nutritional yeast. I don't think adding flour is necessary but it was interesting nonetheless. 

raw-ish peanut butter patties (recipe from the minimalist baker)
that's my fingerprint in each cookie ;)
* in food processor grind dry oats + nuts 
* add 3 dates or prunes and keep 'a grindin'
* add 1 cup peanut butter or other nut butter and mix until doughy
* flatten patties and freeze
* a while later melt dark chocolate using the double-boiler method and dip frozen patties or pour chocolate over them and let cool (this part is not raw because the chocolate is heated too hot)

note: I think you could probably get away without using oats, so just experiment!

You can read more about eating for your blood type here. The thing is, this blood group diet has been met with a lot of criticism and is not really well-rounded science. I eat healthy. I don't eat according to my blood type, and unless I've tried everything else, I probably wouldn't try this diet myself. That being said, the woman I stayed with reversed an illness and whether it was raw food or blood group eating, you can't argue with what works for you (even if it's getting a double-masectomy like Angelina Jolie right? But then again, she can afford to have the most perfectly reconstructed breasts on the face of the planet).

Personally, I think the blood group diet limits the spectrum of vitamins and minerals you could be getting. The most important things for most people to eliminate are processed flours and sugars, gluten and dairy. If you do this plus up your vegetable intake, with some fruits and nuts, water and exercise you're probably good to go. 

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